Greg Allon Greg Allon

Our Desert Rat

This is a photo of my Grandpa Harold, along with his father and two of his brothers.

Our mum’s dad, by the time I knew him, he was a jovial older fellow (in fact, probably around my age – yikes). We bonded over computers and video games (he was ahead of his time on that front, I inherited many of my geekier tendencies from him). And we bonded over his storytelling – he loved to regale all his grandchildren with tales of his extraordinary experiences when he was younger.

Our Grandpa Harold had stories of adventure, of far away lands, straight out of a Boys Own annual, because Harold was a Desert Rat…

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Greg Allon Greg Allon

The Ballad of Dom and Bojo

Written on 27th May 2020 at the height of the Dominic Cummings scandal

Two men who fed us snappy lines,

To hide the complicated.

“Take back control”, “get Brexit done”,

We swallowed whole, elated.

Odd couple in the thick of it,

A Downing Street sitcom,

PM dependent on his key adviser.

Classic Dom.

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Greg Allon Greg Allon

A Letter to the Silent Majority…

Yeah, I’m talking to you. It’s time.

I get the desire to stay out of this, I really do. It feels like it’s too complicated and horrible, and you’ve no skin in the game, so better to remain silent than to do the wrong thing. 

But at a certain point, you have to say something. Let this cruel, cynical world know that you are going to take a stand.

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Greg Allon Greg Allon

Only a Game?

About once a month I stand outside my synagogue on security duty.

So many questions demanded by that short sentence.  What godforsaken level of security would include me within its ring of steel? And what exactly would I do, beyond soiling myself, if I encountered a genuine security threat? But most of all, why? Why is this necessary? Why does every synagogue in the UK and around the world require a security presence?

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Greg Allon Greg Allon

We’re in Trouble

When I was a kid, my dad and I would often talk antisemitism.

“What would we do,” I once asked him, “if the National Front came to power?”

“That’s easy,” he replied, “if they got a single MP into parliament, we’d be on the next plane to Israel.”

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Greg Allon Greg Allon

Who has got our backs?

My name is Greg and I am a Jew.

By a quirk of fate, I was born into one of the easier periods of Jewish history. If you look back over the past couple of millennia, there have not been many comparable runs of stability for us Jews through the exiles, the pogroms and the genocide. This fortunate timing engenders an enormous sense of gratitude. But also a keen sense of history…

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